THE Ex Back eBook That Will Help Get Your Ex Back

You've read about the five step process to get him back on this website, but there's more...So...Much...More!
Just out is our latest book, Ex Back: The Five Step Process to Get Him Back.
This book takes what you've read here to another, deeper level. There is much more detail and you can even download a FREE book!
If you want to get your ex back, this book is a must-read!! Learn more about the book here or click below to get your copy today!
Additional Reading
In addition to the ex back ebook above, the books below will help you get your ex back or move on to a new relationship, if that’s what you choose to do. Each of these books listed plays a role in helping you do one of these things:
- Become a more confident woman
- Understand men
- Improve your communication skills
Of course, you should also check out the five steps on this site. While they’re an abbreviated version of the book’s steps, you can still get a great start on getting your ex back!

Comfortable in Your Own Shoes
The ultimate confidence building book targeted for women and a great way to continue to boost your self-esteem!

To Date a Man, You Must Understand Yourself
How well do you really know yourself and how your behaviors impact your ability to get and keep a man?

Own Your Tomorrow
Take these fourteen steps and you will be prepared for love again. Learn to take care of yourself and build your confidence. Love will be waiting for you!

Live Like You’re Dying
If you knew your life was short, would you live the same way you are now? Learn how to make each day count and live life to the fullest, starting today!

The Little Self-Care Handbook
Learn how to implement six areas of self-care into your life. Feel relaxed and loved.

To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man
A man isn’t like your girlfriends and he requires special understanding, which you will find here!

10 Secrets You Need to Know About Men
Deepen your understanding of the male mind by discovering these 10 secrets of the male mind.

The Untold Secrets of How Men Think & What They Want
A fresh new take on the male mind and how it works.

Uncover ten different types of men, then discover whether they’re your type and how to date them if they are.

He’s Gone Now What?
Learn what happens in your mind and body after a breakup. Pick up the pieces and move on to a new wonderful relationship.

Power Texting Men
Most women don’t understand how to effectively text men, but now you will! Fix those blunders with advice from a man!

Text Him This, Not That
More advice on how to text a man, including lots of practical examples you can begin using soon with your ex!