by Kirbie Earley | Following the Steps
You’ve read many coaches, aside from myself, who tell you to go no contact to get your ex back, but you’re still asking, can you get your ex back after no contact? Yes. You can. In fact, it’s the surest way to do so. I’ll spend the rest of the article explaining why... by Kirbie Earley | Dealing with a Breakup
Can you get your ex back after six months? What about three months? How about a year? What is the timeframe for getting your ex back? I know you feel panicked and impatient, but the truth is that there is no hard and fast rule on how many months it will take to get... by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup
Much like grieving other major losses in your life, there are stages of grieving a breakup. It isn’t a linear process, and no two people go through these stages in the same way. In the next few minutes, you’ll read about these stages: Shock Denial... by Gregg Michaelsen | Uncategorized
You might be wondering why regaining your confidence matters in the grand scheme of getting your ex back, so today, I want to get into all of the benefits of regaining your confidence, then I’ll give you lots of practical ways in which you can get started! How...
by Gregg Michaelsen | Following the Steps
Your breakup was like a punch to the gut and all you want to know is how to get your ex back and keep him. Good news! First, that’s what this whole site is built around how to get your ex back! And secondly, there are proven strategies that you’ll learn...
by Gregg Michaelsen | Uncategorized
Regardless of which of the Five Steps you’re engaged in at the moment, taking a step back to remind yourself that with this new year you can also have a new you is beneficial. As you read, you’ll find ways in which you can work on becoming a new you in... by Gregg Michaelsen | Uncategorized
A couple of challenges many people face during the holidays after a breakup are finding joy again and dealing with feelings of loneliness. The holiday season is often associated with spending time with loved ones, and after a breakup, you may feel a void in your life....
by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup
You’re reading the stuff on this site, but still, you’re asking this one big question: how often does an ex come back? The statistics are all over the place on this one, mostly because when someone creates a study, they usually choose a group of people to study, like...
by Gregg Michaelsen | Step One
Learning how to regain your confidence after a breakup will help you face one of life’s worst experiences. I wish I could make it so that nobody ever felt rejected. It’s an awful thing to experience and it takes whatever confidence you had in yourself, especially when...
by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup, Following the Steps, Meeting Your Ex, Post-Breakup Behavior, Saving a Relationship
You’re thinking about getting back together after a breakup. You’ve done all the work in the Five Steps and now, your ex has agreed to a reconciliation. Before you jump back in, I encourage you to carefully read all of the information on this page. What...