by Gregg Michaelsen | Following the Steps
Your breakup was like a punch to the gut and all you want to know is how to get your ex back and keep him. Good news! First, that’s what this whole site is built around how to get your ex back! And secondly, there are proven strategies that you’ll learn... by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup, Following the Steps, Meeting Your Ex, Post-Breakup Behavior, Saving a Relationship
You’re thinking about getting back together after a breakup. You’ve done all the work in the Five Steps and now, your ex has agreed to a reconciliation. Before you jump back in, I encourage you to carefully read all of the information on this page. What... by Gregg Michaelsen | Following the Steps, Step One
What are the rules of no contact, and why should you follow them? Those are two excellent questions that I hope to answer for you today. Regardless of where you look for advice to get your ex back, you find the rules of no contact, but that isn’t the answer you’re... by Gregg Michaelsen | Following the Steps, Saving a Relationship
I’m often asked if ex back coaching works and if it works for everyone, and while I wish my answer could be yes, there are other factors in play. One of these factors is whether you and your ex should get back together. There are circumstances in which reconciliation... by Gregg Michaelsen | Following the Steps
If you want to know how to make him regret losing you and want you back, the answer is easy: Work on yourself. Become a better person today than you were the day he met and fell in love with you. It’s that easy…kind of. When you clicked to read this article, I bet... by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup, Following the Steps, Step Two
Is it worth fixing a broken relationship? Is he worth getting back? In Step Two of the Five Steps to Get Him Back, you assess the relationship. There are many aspects to assessing your relationship so let’s dive right in! Is He Willing to Try? Does he act as if he’s...