by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup, Following the Steps, Meeting Your Ex, Post-Breakup Behavior, Saving a Relationship
You’re thinking about getting back together after a breakup. You’ve done all the work in the Five Steps and now, your ex has agreed to a reconciliation. Before you jump back in, I encourage you to carefully read all of the information on this page. What... by Gregg Michaelsen | Saving a Relationship, Step One
Knowing how to be less emotionally reactive in a relationship could very well keep you from experiencing a terrible breakup. While everyone loses control of their emotions sometimes, there are some folks who experience emotional reactivity on a regular basis. Today,... by Gregg Michaelsen | Saving a Relationship
Just what is relationship codependency recovery and is this something you should consider? Let’s find out together! A codependent relationship is characterized by psychological, spiritual, or emotional reliance on someone else. Behaviors are self-destructive and... by Gregg Michaelsen | Saving a Relationship
Red flags for marriage often wave high and proud but wearing rose-colored glasses can prevent you from seeing them. Too often, men and women jump into relationships without fully understanding themselves first. This is especially true if you’re young. These are the... by Gregg Michaelsen | Following the Steps, Saving a Relationship
I’m often asked if ex back coaching works and if it works for everyone, and while I wish my answer could be yes, there are other factors in play. One of these factors is whether you and your ex should get back together. There are circumstances in which reconciliation... by Gregg Michaelsen | Saving a Relationship
Searching for articles on how to save your marriage is no fun because it means something bad is happening. You argue constantly. The sex has been gone for months or even years. Counseling hasn’t worked, or he won’t go. Admitting you’re wrong and trying harder hasn’t...