by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup
You’re reading the stuff on this site, but still, you’re asking this one big question: how often does an ex come back? The statistics are all over the place on this one, mostly because when someone creates a study, they usually choose a group of people to study, like... by Gregg Michaelsen | Step One
Learning how to regain your confidence after a breakup will help you face one of life’s worst experiences. I wish I could make it so that nobody ever felt rejected. It’s an awful thing to experience and it takes whatever confidence you had in yourself, especially when... by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup, Following the Steps, Meeting Your Ex, Post-Breakup Behavior, Saving a Relationship
You’re thinking about getting back together after a breakup. You’ve done all the work in the Five Steps and now, your ex has agreed to a reconciliation. Before you jump back in, I encourage you to carefully read all of the information on this page. What... by Gregg Michaelsen | Saving a Relationship, Step One
Knowing how to be less emotionally reactive in a relationship could very well keep you from experiencing a terrible breakup. While everyone loses control of their emotions sometimes, there are some folks who experience emotional reactivity on a regular basis. Today,... by Gregg Michaelsen | Dealing with a Breakup, Post-Breakup Behavior
Today’s big ex-back question: should I get closure from my ex? Closure is a tricky thing. It’s elusive. You think you’ll get the answers to help you feel better about the situation, but the truth is it won’t help at all. Seeking closure will only thwart your efforts...